Journal 7 Creating Your PLN (NETS 1,2,3,4 &5)
The PLN (Personal Learning Network) consists of people who work in the Special Education Teaching field. I teach special education so I am excited to see how this will enhance my classroom for the benefit of my students.
My twitter account consists of special education teachers as well as fellow classmates. I participated in #ellchat on Monday, May 9th, 2011. I was very intimidated about the whole process. As I teach my students, they are all wierdos and do not talk to strangers so it was a little odd to be chatting on line with strangers. Once I got past the initial shock, it took me a minute to understand and follow the chat. I had to scroll back to get the idea of what the topic was. The topic of the chat was a couple of Speech Pathologists and some techniques they use with their students. This area is definitely an area of interest as they work so closely with the special education teachers. It was definitely good information at the tip of your fingers. You can pick out a subject you would like to learn about and get instant answers to your questions.
In my Diigo tag roll, I bookmarked sites that I feel can be useful for myself in the future and helpful to others who may need the information. There is a wealth of information out there and it is up to us to help facilitate others through it.
For Classroom 2.0, I read an article where a father is praising the way his daughter’s teacher uses the pre-test as an awesome AFL (Assessment FOR Learning). He uses the AFL for the subject of spelling. The students are given a pretest on Monday and if they score a 100% on Monday, the grade is logged into the grade book and the student is exempt from the final spelling test on Friday. This motivates the students to study and do their best on the pre-test and gives them the opportunity to peer tutor other students throughout the week.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Cybersafety is a web page that discusses the importance of keeping our children safe from sexual predators. NETS 1,2,3&4
Monday, May 2, 2011
My iMovie is a video used to encourage new students to join the Cal State San Marcos family. NETS 3&4
Monday, April 25, 2011
Journal 9
Journal 9: “Taming the Chaos” (NETS 1,3,&4)
Johnson, Doug – Taming the Chaos (November 2010) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: This article addresses the issue of how we should allow our students to use their personal technology in the classroom in a controlled, positive environment. If we prohibit them from using these tools, we are essentially limiting the learning process. The students that are abusing technology in the classroom are most likely the same students that are not paying attention in the first place. We have a better chance of grabbing their attention if we can use the technology that they are accustomed to.
Q1. Should we allow laptops, call phones, PDA’s, iPod’s in the classroom?
A1. Absolutely! I allow my students to use these items to help them in the classroom. They will use this technology to help them in the real world and it is our job to prepare them as much as we can for that. I will be the 1st one to pull out my cell phone and use the calculator to figure out the grade on the papers I just corrected. I listen to music to calm me or to help me focus from time to time. So why would I not allow my students the same… I would and I do!
Q2. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from allowing technology in your classroom?
A2. I have learned that by allowing my students to use their technology in the classroom, I have learn new things that I may have never known. They teach me something new every day. It allows them to become a leader and teach new skills to their teachers as well as their peers. It reaffirms to them that learning is a lifelong process.
Johnson, Doug – Taming the Chaos (November 2010) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: This article addresses the issue of how we should allow our students to use their personal technology in the classroom in a controlled, positive environment. If we prohibit them from using these tools, we are essentially limiting the learning process. The students that are abusing technology in the classroom are most likely the same students that are not paying attention in the first place. We have a better chance of grabbing their attention if we can use the technology that they are accustomed to.
Q1. Should we allow laptops, call phones, PDA’s, iPod’s in the classroom?
A1. Absolutely! I allow my students to use these items to help them in the classroom. They will use this technology to help them in the real world and it is our job to prepare them as much as we can for that. I will be the 1st one to pull out my cell phone and use the calculator to figure out the grade on the papers I just corrected. I listen to music to calm me or to help me focus from time to time. So why would I not allow my students the same… I would and I do!
Q2. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from allowing technology in your classroom?
A2. I have learned that by allowing my students to use their technology in the classroom, I have learn new things that I may have never known. They teach me something new every day. It allows them to become a leader and teach new skills to their teachers as well as their peers. It reaffirms to them that learning is a lifelong process.
Journal 8
Journal 8: “Should Schools Be Held Responsible for Cyberbullying” (NETS 1, 2, 3, &4)
Bogacz, Renee & Gomez Gordillo, Miguel – Point/Counterpoint Should Schools Be Held Responsible for Cyberbullying (March/April 2011) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: In this article, Renee Bogacz, a language arts teacher for 20 years in Illinois, validates her side as why she feels schools should be responsible for cyberbullying. She states that the school, along with the parents, need to work together as a team. The school needs to establish clear rules and enforce the consequences when those rules are broken. All the students should be able to talk to any member of the staff and feel that the situation will be handled appropriately.
Miguel Gomez Gordillo feels that the schools cannot possibly be held responsible for cyberbullying, which is much larger than the schools can take on alone. He states that the love that is taught or not taught in the home is the foundation for the students’ decision to do the right thing in school. He feels that some parents just don’t have the time to show their children the love that they need.
Q1. From a teachers’ perspective, what are your feelings on who is responsible for cyberbullying?
A1. As a current educator, I do not feel that schools can be held responsible for everything that goes with the students on a daily basis. There are just too many students in each classroom and too much unsupervised time during the school day. There must be a strong team connect between the school and the parents and students need to be held responsible for their actions or their lack of action in some cases.
Q2. From a parents’ perspective, what are your feelings on who is responsible for cyberbullying?
A2. As a working, single parent of a 15 year old son in the 10th grade and an 8 year old daughter in the 2nd, I cannot possibly know everything thing that my children are doing all the time. I pray every day that the Christian education I am providing them will override their sinful nature if a less than desirable situation arises. I strongly believe that a great working relationship between the parent and the teacher will encourage the student to do the right thing. It takes a village to raise a child and I am glad to be on both sides of the fence for this one.
Bogacz, Renee & Gomez Gordillo, Miguel – Point/Counterpoint Should Schools Be Held Responsible for Cyberbullying (March/April 2011) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: In this article, Renee Bogacz, a language arts teacher for 20 years in Illinois, validates her side as why she feels schools should be responsible for cyberbullying. She states that the school, along with the parents, need to work together as a team. The school needs to establish clear rules and enforce the consequences when those rules are broken. All the students should be able to talk to any member of the staff and feel that the situation will be handled appropriately.
Miguel Gomez Gordillo feels that the schools cannot possibly be held responsible for cyberbullying, which is much larger than the schools can take on alone. He states that the love that is taught or not taught in the home is the foundation for the students’ decision to do the right thing in school. He feels that some parents just don’t have the time to show their children the love that they need.
Q1. From a teachers’ perspective, what are your feelings on who is responsible for cyberbullying?
A1. As a current educator, I do not feel that schools can be held responsible for everything that goes with the students on a daily basis. There are just too many students in each classroom and too much unsupervised time during the school day. There must be a strong team connect between the school and the parents and students need to be held responsible for their actions or their lack of action in some cases.
Q2. From a parents’ perspective, what are your feelings on who is responsible for cyberbullying?
A2. As a working, single parent of a 15 year old son in the 10th grade and an 8 year old daughter in the 2nd, I cannot possibly know everything thing that my children are doing all the time. I pray every day that the Christian education I am providing them will override their sinful nature if a less than desirable situation arises. I strongly believe that a great working relationship between the parent and the teacher will encourage the student to do the right thing. It takes a village to raise a child and I am glad to be on both sides of the fence for this one.
Journal 6
Journal 6: “Grow Your Personal Learning Network” (NETS 2, 3, 4&5)
Warlick, David Grow Your Own Personal Learning Network (March/April 2009) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: This article was written to encourage educators to keep up with technology and the students of the technological age that they are growing up in. PLN’s is something that we have been doing all of our life, we are just using different types of technology to do the work for us now. Using technology such as twitter, blogging, wikis & our cell phones expands our learning network that were not available to us before the world of technology.
Q1. What is your suggestion for people who have a fear of computers because they are technologically challenged?
A1. You definitely need to keep it simple as it can quickly become overwhelming. There needs to be a distinction between personal and work PLN’s and the time spent with on each one needs to be limited as time flies in the world of computers. Organization will be a huge to success. Remember, this is the same thing you have been doing for years, it’s just now you are using your computer and the multitude of information it now at a whole new level.
Q2. How do I determine what PLN will work best for me?
A2. As with any new technology program, only time will tell. Take your time and investigate one or two at time until you find a couple that you like. The key is to start out simple and slow and build on your skills as you become more comfortable. This is a self-paced learning environment and remember you only get out of it what you put into it.
Warlick, David Grow Your Own Personal Learning Network (March/April 2009) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: This article was written to encourage educators to keep up with technology and the students of the technological age that they are growing up in. PLN’s is something that we have been doing all of our life, we are just using different types of technology to do the work for us now. Using technology such as twitter, blogging, wikis & our cell phones expands our learning network that were not available to us before the world of technology.
Q1. What is your suggestion for people who have a fear of computers because they are technologically challenged?
A1. You definitely need to keep it simple as it can quickly become overwhelming. There needs to be a distinction between personal and work PLN’s and the time spent with on each one needs to be limited as time flies in the world of computers. Organization will be a huge to success. Remember, this is the same thing you have been doing for years, it’s just now you are using your computer and the multitude of information it now at a whole new level.
Q2. How do I determine what PLN will work best for me?
A2. As with any new technology program, only time will tell. Take your time and investigate one or two at time until you find a couple that you like. The key is to start out simple and slow and build on your skills as you become more comfortable. This is a self-paced learning environment and remember you only get out of it what you put into it.
Monday, April 18, 2011
NETS-T 1, 2 & 4 - Inspiration is a visual graphic organizer that will help me to customize and personalize each students learning style and abilities using digital tools and resources.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Casey's Presentation Questions
Prezi is visually pleasing presentation that displays the student standards. NETS 2&3
The assessment was created to ensure we met all the requirements in our presentation. NETS 1&2
click here for results
The assessment was created to ensure we met all the requirements in our presentation. NETS 1&2
click here for results
Monday, March 14, 2011
Journal 4
Journal 4: “It’s Time to Trust Teachers with the Internet: A Conversation with Meg Ormiston” (NETS 3)
Schaffhause, Dian (12/01/10) Retrieved from
Summary: Meg Ormiston feels that we need to teach our students responsibility when it comes to letting them surf the internet. She explains that by blocking everything, we also block learning. She uses YouTube as an example. There are several videos on YouTube that can be beneficial in the learning environment but there are also inappropriate videos. It is up to the teachers to ensure and guide the students to making wise choices in the classroom as what sites they visit at the school. She feels that if teachers can be trusted to teach students then they should be trusted with the internet.
This sounds like a great persuasive writing topic!
Q1. Often there is only one teacher in the classroom so how do you manage all of your students and what sight they are on?
A1. As always the teacher does the best job they can of supervising all the students while they are in the classroom. Online access mishaps can happen just as easy as bullying. This falls under the one student that ruined for the rest of the students.
Q2. What should be the punishment for a student who is caught visiting inappropriate web sites at school?
A1. Each students needs to sign a document stating they have read and understand the internet policy rules. I look at it like cheating. They know it is wrong and for one reason or another, they decide to make the wrong decision. A students internet privileges should be revoked for a certain period of time to give them time to reflect on their decision and to learn that it can be difficult to complete some of your classwork if your internet access is restricted.
Journal 2
Journal 2: “Join the Flock” and Enhance Your Twitter Experience” (NETS 3&5)
Ferguson, Hadley Join the Flock and McClintock Miller, Shannon (June/July 2010) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from &
Summary: The “Join the Flock” article gave great step by step instructions to setting up your own twitter account. It gave details and will allow you to make twitter a tool that you will be able to use at your own comfort level. The thought “It’s so easy a caveman can do it” came to mind while reading the article. The idea behind educators using twitter as educational tool to seek personal growth is exciting and the students will end up benefiting in the long run.
“Enhance Your Twitter Experience” explained what PLN’s (personal learning networks) meant. It is mentioned in the “Join the Flock” article but I did not make the connection until I read the second article. I like how at the end of the article the teacher gave some remedial tips for people who may not see the benefits of twitter.
Q1. What is your suggestion for people who people who do not want to become a slave to their computer?
A1. As with all computer social networks, setting a time limit is a must. Remember, you only get 140 characters so you are limited in what you can type. The article states that in just ten minutes you will get to know the people in your PLN. Having two separate PLN’s will help you to differentiate between your work time and your personal time.
Q2. What if I never get to the point where I want to expose myself?
A1. You may never get to that point but don’t close that door already. The hope is that the more involved you become and the more comfortable you become, the next step of sharing will just come naturally. It is what you teach your students to do every day in your classroom. Come to the table with an open mind and see where your techy imagination will take you.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Journal 1
Journal 1: “Do Web 2.0 Right,” (NETS 1&4)
Light, Daniel (February 2011, Volume 38, Issue 5) Do Web 2.0 Right. Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from
Summary: Web 2.0 is a technology tool that can be used to enhance the classroom. Students can use the Web 2.0 tools to engage in academic interaction with their teachers as well as their peers. Using these types of computer based assignments will motivate more students to do more writings both in the classroom and at home. Most teachers felt that the activities were most successful when used daily. Blogs were found to be most successful when the communication was kept between just the student and the teacher and not made public to the class. Some students were self-conscious and reluctant to become involved because they didn’t feel they had anything important to add. The most common types of Web 2.0 used were class blog and student blogs. They were used for one of the following reasons: to elicit prior knowledge, generate interest, support student debated and provide students with feedback.
Q1. Would these Web 2.0 tools have the same success if used in a nonpublic school special education classroom?
A1. All students could definitely benefit from the use technology. Technology is a huge part of society today. Students today have more exposure to technology through their cell phones and computers than most adults can even comprehend. Most of the students would probably be most comfortable with student/teacher blog. A class blog could be successful through close monitoring by the teacher.
Q2. Assigning Web 2.0 assignments as homework can be difficult for students who may not have access to a computer at home. How would you as an educator handle situations like this?
A1. My students are very good at letting me know if they have conflicts with homework assignments. I may allow the students to complete their computer assignment at school and take something else home for homework that does not require a computer.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Technology Self-Assessment: School 2.0
Casey Lynn
Technology Assessment 2.0
The article I read serves a guide to help teachers make instructional decisions to improve student academic achievement. It helps the teachers in the following ways: by prioritizing instructional time, guides individual instruction, and by identifying each student’s individual strengths and weaknesses.
The article has 5 recommendations. The first recommendation is to make data a part of an ongoing cycle of instructional improvement by collecting data regularly in different academic areas. The second recommendation is to teach students to examine their own data and set learning goals by providing the students will a rubric in which they can assess their own work and set personal goals. The third recommendation is to establish a clear vision for school wide data use by establishing a school data team. The fourth recommendation is to provide supports that foster a data-driven culture within the school by providing a data facilitator to assist and encourage the staff to use the program. The fifth recommendation is to develop and maintain a district wide data system by building a team.
By reading this article, it reaffirmed the procedures that are already in place at my school. Since all of the students in our school have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan), we are constantly collecting data for the student’s goals. The students are placed in groups based on their ability in certain subjects.
As far as the third and fourth recommendation, everyone in our school is a part of the data team. We all assist and foster each other; therefore, everyone in our school is a part of the team.
Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making September 2009
Sunday, February 20, 2011
journal 3 CL
Casey Lynn
Journal 3
100 things that make me happy:
1. God
2. the fact that my final destination is Heaven
3. my kids, Phillip & Demi
4. church
5. the private Lutheran education I was afforded as a child
6. the private Lutheran education my children are being afforded
7. my family
8. my church family
9. my long, curly hair
10. my big, blue eyes
11. running
12. dolphins
13. ocean
14. laughing
15. the fact that I was a Marine for 9 years and 3 months
16. the self-confidence and self-discipline the Marine Corps instilled in me
17. the fact that I not only graduated from college (my family never thought that would happen) but that I graduated Cum Laude
18. exercise
19. getting a massage
20. fruits – watermelon, cherries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries
21. reading
22. sleep
23. my kitty, Noah
24. running on the beach
25. swimming in the warm Atlantic Ocean
26. a wine cooler & a chocolate cookie
27. my car - a 2007 Mazda 3 and her name is Carolina Blue
28. to be in love… someday
29. running in the warm rain
30. running with my dog, Ohso
31. reading the Sunday paper
32. the sunshine
33. school
34. amusements parks
35. ice cream – blue moon, mint chocolate chip
36. reading a book with my kids
37. when my son cleans without me having to ask him
38. when my son works hard to earn the good grades he is capable of getting
39. when my daughter puts a Valentine in my purse for me to find & read at work
40. when my mom comes to visit from Michigan
41. hiking – the view – looking down at the world
42. running in the Oceanside Turkey Trot with my kids & friends
43. running The Race for Autism with my kids & friends
44. working with children
45. making a difference in a child’s life
46. being a safe person to talk to at school and at home
47. taking a nap in the middle of the day with the windows open and the sun shinning
48. a fire burning in my fireplace
49. smores
50. having my eyebrows tweezed or waxed
51. learning new things
52. walking and talking with my friends
53. having my mom tell me she loves me and that she is proud of me
54. my daughter calling herself a mini me
55. my son writing a poem thanking me keeping him in the faith
56. putting together puzzles
57. dancing to hip hop music
58. dancing
59. hugs and kisses from my kids
60. the fact that my son is not afraid to tell me he loves me or give me a kiss in front of his high school friends
61. flying
62. running a half marathon
63. sharing God’s word with a stranger
64. my soon to be (ex)mother-in-law (Demi’s Nana)
65. cars – Lexus 250si
66. I like well behaved, obedient children
67. my brother, Robert
68. a clean home
69. a clean car
70. the fact that our puppy is potty trained
71. a nice hoodie w/ a matching beanie
72. my new beanies w/ a bill
73. the fact that I am studious
74. the fact that my autistic students are so blunt fully honest
75. my wind chimes
76. my cell phone
77. texting
78. Facebook
79. my water bubbler
80. shoes / sketchers
81. good toilet paper
82. a nice outfit that makes me feel good
83. Yankee candles
84. sunglasses
85. a good pair of running shoe – asics nimbus
86. pedicures
87. a small slice of pumpkin pie w/ French vanilla cool whip
88. having no cavities at the dentist
89. writing poetry
90. the fact that Demi has won 2nd place for the 3rd year in a row in the California Lutheran Art Fair
91. the fact that my son currently has a grade point average higher than a 3.0 (which he proudly boasts is better than what his father & I had in HS lol)
92. silence
93. when I have enough money to pay the bills and sometimes a little extra
94. the fact that my daughter is falling asleep in my arms trying to help complete this assignment J
95. the awesome years I had in HS
96. the yellow 2000 VW beetle & the blue 2002 VW beetle I owned
97. the fact that my students respect me for not trying to act like I know everything but that we can find the answer to any question together
98. the sunflower kitchen my mom designed and decorated in the 1st house I owned in North Carolina in 2000 when I was 25 years old
99. pain medication
the fact that I have been fortunate enough to live in 6 different states and travelled through 24 different states on vacation with my children
Sunday, January 30, 2011
422 spring 2011 casey intro
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Me @ the Turkey Tfrot in Oceanside |
Technology, well let’s just say, I am extremely excited to be in this class (my students and my son alike) but my techy mind and lack of skills will be challenged throughout this course. I can vividly remember the day my dad bought home our very 1st, very expensive computer and us 5 kids just sat and watched in awe of this machine in front of us. I just didn’t grow up with the exposure to technology like kids have today. I think technology is and will continue to be an awesome tool when used correctly. I am very thankful God gave me my son to help me develop these skills but my leadership ego would like to catch up in this department. A generous person donated Mac Computers to our school last year so this course will be very beneficial. I even recommended to my principal to have all our teachers take the courseJ.
I feel that the College of Education mission statement supports my philosophy as an educator as well as all aspects of my life. This is one of the reasons I ended up in the special education field. I love teaching and I want to ensure that every student I come in contact with has a positive educational experience since learning is a life-long process. I understand that all students come from different backgrounds and have different learning styles. I focus on the positive and hone in on each students’ strengths. I am huge supporter of collaborative learning because we can all learn something from each other and I surely didn’t make it this far in life by myself.
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