Monday, April 25, 2011

Journal 9

Journal 9: “Taming the Chaos” (NETS 1,3,&4)

Johnson, Doug – Taming the Chaos (November 2010) Learning and Leading with Technology. Retrieved from

Summary: This article addresses the issue of how we should allow our students to use their personal technology in the classroom in a controlled, positive environment. If we prohibit them from using these tools, we are essentially limiting the learning process. The students that are abusing technology in the classroom are most likely the same students that are not paying attention in the first place. We have a better chance of grabbing their attention if we can use the technology that they are accustomed to.

Q1. Should we allow laptops, call phones, PDA’s, iPod’s in the classroom?

A1. Absolutely! I allow my students to use these items to help them in the classroom. They will use this technology to help them in the real world and it is our job to prepare them as much as we can for that. I will be the 1st one to pull out my cell phone and use the calculator to figure out the grade on the papers I just corrected. I listen to music to calm me or to help me focus from time to time. So why would I not allow my students the same… I would and I do!

Q2. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned from allowing technology in your classroom?

A2. I have learned that by allowing my students to use their technology in the classroom, I have learn new things that I may have never known. They teach me something new every day. It allows them to become a leader and teach new skills to their teachers as well as their peers. It reaffirms to them that learning is a lifelong process.

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