Saturday, May 14, 2011

Journal 7 Creating Your PLN

Journal 7 Creating Your PLN (NETS 1,2,3,4 &5)

The PLN (Personal Learning Network) consists of people who work in the Special Education Teaching field. I teach special education so I am excited to see how this will enhance my classroom for the benefit of my students.
My twitter account consists of special education teachers as well as fellow classmates. I participated in #ellchat on Monday, May 9th, 2011. I was very intimidated about the whole process. As I teach my students, they are all wierdos and do not talk to strangers so it was a little odd to be chatting on line with strangers. Once I got past the initial shock, it took me a minute to understand and follow the chat. I had to scroll back to get the idea of what the topic was. The topic of the chat was a couple of Speech Pathologists and some techniques they use with their students. This area is definitely an area of interest as they work so closely with the special education teachers. It was definitely good information at the tip of your fingers. You can pick out a subject you would like to learn about and get instant answers to your questions.
In my Diigo tag roll, I bookmarked sites that I feel can be useful for myself in the future and helpful to others who may need the information. There is a wealth of information out there and it is up to us to help facilitate others through it.
For Classroom 2.0, I read an article where a father is praising the way his daughter’s teacher uses the pre-test as an awesome AFL (Assessment FOR Learning). He uses the AFL for the subject of spelling. The students are given a pretest on Monday and if they score a 100% on Monday, the grade is logged into the grade book and the student is exempt from the final spelling test on Friday. This motivates the students to study and do their best on the pre-test and gives them the opportunity to peer tutor other students throughout the week.

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